Management Science and Business Decisions

About the Journal

Why to publish in MSBD?

Management Science and Business Decisions (ISSN 2767-6528; eISSN 2767-3316) is an international journal devoted to advancing the theory and practice of management sciences and business decision-making. It encourages deploying new decision-making techniques to objectively solve old and new problems currently being faced by managers and organizations in different industries and economies. Both positive and negative results are welcomed, provided they have been obtained from scientific methods. New and innovative ideas that have the potential to create a debate are particularly welcomed. The journal seeks to foster exchange between young and seasoned scholars and between scholars and practitioners with a view to aid decision-makers and policy-makers in creating a better world for our future generations. MSBD is an open access double-blind peer-reviewed fast journal that does not charge any fee from the authors. MSBD is published by Science Insight (USA) bi-annually.

Current Issue

Vol. 4 No. 2 (2024)
Management Science and Business Decisions journal
Published: 2024-12-30

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