Halal Beauty Unveiled: Investigating Repurchase Intentions for South Korean Cosmetics among Indonesian Muslim Consumers





Celebrity Endorsement, Attitude, Brand Image, Repurchase Intention, Religiosity


Indonesia holds the distinction of being the most populous nation with a Muslim majority globally. Nevertheless, there is a significant demand for halal-certified cosmetic products, particularly those originating from South Korea, among individuals who are passionate about cosmetics. Hence, the primary objective of this research is to examine the determinants that impact the inclination of Indonesian Muslim customers to repurchase cosmetic items lacking halal certification. The foundation of this study framework is rooted in the stimulus-organism-response (SOR) model. The present study examined 259 samples, revealing a significant association between celebrity endorsement and the enhancement of both attitude and brand image. The influence of brand image on the intention to repurchase halal-certified cosmetic items is also beneficial. In contrast, consumers' attitude does not influence their desire to repurchase cosmetics, provided that the products maintain their halal certification. Religiosity does not possess the capacity to regulate the association between attitude and repurchase intention.



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Management Science and Business Decisions journal




How to Cite

Damayanti, F., Sulung, L. A. K., & Wulan, D. F. (2024). Halal Beauty Unveiled: Investigating Repurchase Intentions for South Korean Cosmetics among Indonesian Muslim Consumers. Management Science and Business Decisions, 4(2), 5–17. https://doi.org/10.52812/msbd.95


