Effect of Manpower and Resource Factors on Labor Productivity at House Building Projects in DHA Lahore
Productivity, Construction, Manpower factor, Resource Factor, Relative Importance IndexAbstract
Construction industry suffers numerous issues and complicated factors like price, period, quality and safety. It is said that Construction projects are versatile because they associate with contractors, architects, advisers, designers, the project owners, etc. Keeping in view of above factors, objective of this research is to highlight those factors which have impact on labor productivity in house building project. Through literature review as well as discussion with different consultants, several factors of productivity were identified. Out of which 20 factors were selected, which were later categorized into two sets, for analyzing in the current study. A comprehensive questionnaire was prepared and sent to project manager, engineers, designers, and builders. It was found, that total expense of construction comes to much higher as it was originally calculated. It is suggested that human resource should be developed through an effective and well planned training program, so that construction project do not suffer due to low performance. The mentioned factors are supposed to help in completed the construction projects effectively.
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