Demand Forecasting of Toyota Avanza Cars in Indonesia: Grey Systems Approach
Indonesia, Deman Forecasting, Toyota Avanza, Grey Model, AutomobileAbstract
Toyota Avanza car is a popular four-wheeler among Indonesia middle-class customers. The current study aims to forecast the demand for Toyota Avanza cars in Indonesia in the next six years using the grey forecasting model EGM (1,1, α, θ). The comparative analysis of the results obtained from the grey model with those of Linear Regression, Exponential Regression, and Exponential Triple Smoothing techniques revealed the superiority of the grey model as it produced most accurate forecasts. The accuracy was measured through the Mean Absolute Percentage Error. The results revealed, the car sales are likely to decline in the future. Although forecasts are never completely accurate, forecasting can provide a reference for developing strategy to meet future demand. The results are important for Toyota Avanza car manufacturers in Indonesia.
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