Evaluating Site Selection Criteria for Marine Cultivation in North Lombok Regency of Indonesia through GADA model
sustainable development, marine cultivation development, water location, marine cultivation criteria, multiple criteria decision-making, grey system theory, Grey Absolute Decision AnalysisAbstract
Identifying the requirements for selecting water locations for marine cultivation requires identifying and objectively selecting cultivation locations. The study aims to identify site selection criteria to develop marine cultivation in Indonesia’s North Lombok Regency, followed by their prioritization based on perceived significance. The selection criteria are through extensive review of literature, and are evaluated based on primary data. Grey Absolute Decision Analysis (GADA) model was used to evaluate the criteria. Comparative analysis with the Simple Additive Weighting (SAW) and TOPSIS methods confirmed the soundness of the results obtained through GADA. It was found that oceanographic conditions are most essential criterion for site selection for marine cultivation development. The results are important for marine cultivation businesses looking for suitable site in North Lombok Regency.
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