Evaluation of Barriers to Electric Vehicle Adoption in Indonesia through Grey Ordinal Priority Approach
Grey Ordinal Priority Approach, Ordinal Priority Approach, Multiple Criteria Decision Analysis, Multiple Criteria Decision Making, Electric Vehicle, Grey Model, IndonesiaAbstract
Emissions from vehicles are a major contributor to greenhouse gases, and thus climate change. Electric vehicles (EVs) provide a promising solution to deal with this problem. Even though in the emerging economies like China and Europe, the adoption of EVs is praiseworthy, the pace of the EV rollout in Indonesia is slow. The Indonesian electric vehicle market has remained stagnant due to the country's low adoption rate of electric vehicles, which is currently less than 0.3%. This is because electric vehicle adoption has been stymied in Indonesia for a variety of reasons. As such, the purpose of this study is to determine the factors influencing electric vehicle adoption in Indonesia and to rank the barriers to widespread EV rollout in the country using the Grey Ordinal Priority Approach (OPA-G). It is found that high initial purchase price, insufficient amount of charging infrastructure, and a lack of government incentives are key barriers to the EV adoption in Indonesia.
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